Friday, 11 July 2008

NEWS: Morrissey Pushed Veg At Wireless

Loveable buff rogue Morrissey apparently attempted to ban meat backstage at last weekend’s Wireless Festival.

The Manc vegetable lover demanded a ban on all fleshy products and went about fly-posting his trademark ‘Meat Is Murder’ imagery around the VIP area, according to Teletext. The Quietus can't quite recall any posters promoting the joys of a firm young carrot, but that might have something to do with the Samoan Fogcutters we'd had beforehand.

Morrissey also had a moan about the pal of burger smoke hanging over the Festival site from the Wireless stage.

A source said: "Liverpool band The Rascals lived up to their name and defaced the poster nearest Moz's enclosure so it read 'Meat is boss', and drew a load of burgers on it!" Does anyone else remember the time _Select_ magazine printed a painting of Morrissey sniffing a pie in a mock advertisement bearing the slogan "Meat Is Magic"?

To watch ‘Irish Blood, English Heart’ have a look below:

This news story can be found on the Quietus with other pieces by Dean Samways.

Words: Dean Samways

Image: the Quietus

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