Tuesday, 8 July 2008

NEWS: Portishead Quit Touring

Sabbatical-loving Bristolians Portishead have spoken of their plans for a new album – and revealed that they’ll no longer be setting forth musical nuclear wind in the live auditoria of the world.

Talking to BBC 6 Music this morning guitarist Adrian Utley told fans, “We are thinking a new album, that’s partly why we’re not touring enormously. In 1998 we toured for a year and a bit and it just crashed us. None of us wanted to see each other for a while after that.

“We got together the other night discussing stuff and getting a bit of a plan together.”

But Utley added that these writings will probably hit the cutting room floor before they get to work proper: "I mean we have got stuff, but we'll start again - that's what we want to do.”

With other commitments like families and various side-projects it seems touring will be the first sacrifice made by the band in order to keep writing: “We’re all gonna be doing stuff. We’ve finished our touring for this album for this year because of things that we want to do.

“To be at home with our children, very young children. I mean really, just babies - it is an important time and I don’t want to miss that.”

Watch 'Machine Gun' by Portishead below:

This news story can be found on the Quietus with other pieces by Dean Samways.

Words: Dean Samways

Image: the Quietus

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